Katrina Lee

Katrina Lee is a highly acclaimed violinist and collaborative musician based in Scotland, known for her dedication to championing diversity and inclusion in the arts. A multi-award winning Violinist and a distinguished alumna of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Katrina earned a First-Class Honours and a Master of Music under the tutelage of Professor Andrea Gajic. Katrina's academic journey was marked by numerous accolades, including the Hilda Bailey Award, Ian D. Watt Award, Governors Prize for Strings, Robert Highgate Scholarship, Governors Prize for Chamber Music, Musicians Company Goldman Award and Scottish Ensemble Young Artist in 2014 and 2016.

Hailing from Yorkshire, Katrina's Violin journey began with the support of the late Stephen Bell, who recognised her love for reading and writing and thought she might enjoy translating that passion into reading music. His generous sponsorship was crucial to her early development on the instrument, and this encouragement has continually sparked Katrina’s dedication to her craft as well as inspiring her lifelong commitment to ensure others have access to opportunities engaging in music.

Katrina has performed extensively with the UK’s top orchestras and ensembles, including the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, and Royal Northern Sinfonia. A highlight of her work has been touring, which has enabled her to visit many countries and perform on international stages across Asia, South America, and Europe.

In her musical pursuits, Katrina aspires to amplify the voices of historically overlooked composers; with her passion in collaborating with like-minded musicians who share a commitment to showcasing lesser-heard parts of the classical musical heritage.

In addition to her performance career, Katrina is a lecturer in the Strings faculty at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland; where she is dedicated to teaching and nurturing the next generation of musicians with a holistic approach. Stemming from her humble background, Katrina is a passionate advocate for access to music for all, striving to make music education and performance opportunities available to everyone, regardless of socio-economic status.

Outside of her music, you'll find Katrina in the kitchen whipping up a feast for friends and family - or perfecting the art of eating it all herself!